

God Pretender

God Pretender

Vol.1 Chapter 7 : Dragon War

This work won the Best Art Award at the Asia Issued Comics Summit in 1999.



Vol.1 Chapter 4

Before he started The Ravages of Time, Chen Mou penned a two volume series called Unhuman. The volumes are broken up into three seperate stories, each focusing on a different character.It's divided to three arcs:Arc 1: Unhuman (不是人)Arc 2: Me Lowly Woman (賤妾)Arc 3: The Final Keystone (終礎)

The Ravages Of Time

The Ravages Of Time

Chapter 603: Greatest Wit And Greatest Wisdom

Nearly 2000 years ago, the prosperous Han dynasty of China collapsed. Heroes rose and fell, and three nations emerged--Wei, Shu, and Wu. Historians refer to this period as the Three Kingdoms period. The romance of the three kingdoms is an intriguing tale of heroic deeds, of alliance forged and broken, of loyalty and betrayal. Hong Kong artist Chan Mou retells this classic tale in "The Ravages of Time" from the perspective of the Sima clan, which in the end united the three kingdoms. Readers will be attracted by an array of well-developed characters and Chan Mou's own unique top-notch art-style.You also may like:+ Kingdom+ Ruler of the Land 

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